Rwby fanfiction jaune house husband

Rwby fanfiction jaune house husband. I JUS…. In this story, it involves Jaune and his forbidden relationship with his friend, Blake's mother, Kali Belladonna. Jaune felt like he had stumbled into an inside joke, a small part of him warming at the feeling of being included, even if by accident. What events will ensue, read and see. She groaned. Anybody feels like they like any of my not so orginal ideas is welcome to use them. This family's gonna be so messed up in the future. Yet, I speak truth, when you arrive there you will take revenge on them for their outrages. Instead of being a one-man army, his Semblance is Minecraft powers, making him a one-man industrial revolution that everyone wants on their side. A. " Ren said. "This is for you," She said, handing him the package. It wasn't often that I saw him angry like this. But hey, Greenshade is still a movement we are creating. Finding themselves missing a blonde knight and stuck in another dimension, teams RWBY and the rest of JNPR find themselves stuck there until they can get home. "Ughh, I'm glad I have Aura…" Jaune groaned as his Aura healed a fresh bruise on his chest from where Donna had kicked him. 'Grimm attack' She thought as she got up from her chair. The screen turns on and shows a view of a clear, cloudless sky before starting to descend the viewpoint to show a large expanse of green fields with a few trees scattered here and there along with a two-story house right next to the larger one tree in the field, the field of vision gets closer and closer to the house I don't own rwby or rooster teeth. "It's Juniper. " The leader of Team JNPR halted, taking a few breaths. I thought you liked faces. "Aww weeee. She did thought of helping him but, she still had her chores to do. This was weird, he still had a while before they land close to Ansel. The test was a success—a new clearing, about five meters in radius has been created, all the trees effectively blasted by the shockwave. " Spike said behind Jaune. The original plan was that Ruby actually managed to get a baby from Jaune the 'natural' way in a comedic segment, which left Pyrrha and Cinder malding. Jaune has been trying his hardest to be the man of the house and take hold of the name. That's why Jaune is special, he is the only male in history to have an aura. [Welcome home, you can use the cars in the garage. The image snap-zooms in. Royal Blood: Jaune is the direct descendant of Joan Arc, a knight sworn to the Royal House of Vale, and the prince who lost Vale's civil war and went into exile. The feeling of pain was inscribed upon his body in ways he never knew were possible, each nerve seemingly fraying as they were overloaded with information. "Guy like you with the Arc genes?! Son, you'll drown people in charm!" He guffawed. I don't own anything. More Grimm man crybaby, Jaune vs silene scenario then the ending at some point. The deer followed it and kept its sight on it as if it were in a trance by the small doll. This ought to end well. Looking to his left he saw Winter and Whitley skating up. He felt a bit out of place in an all Faunus town. ' Now complete. "Your FAMILY Jaune that means you're helping us get dinner ready. Chapter 3: To Mistral! Jaune had finally gotten off the boat a week later and was traveling up towards Mistral. 1"/75 calibre bullets as Jaune loaded them into the gun he pulled the Bolt back cocking the gun all of this took less than 5 seconds and as Jaune aimed at Yangs centre mass she could only say one thing. Jaune hauls ass at keep Finch in sight. Jaune was just a common criminal who never had a choice in the matter. The house was huge and was very techie. Jaune puts up his hands to protect his face but it is futile against LT's relentless assault. I smiled and with new found determination I punched the wall again. Once again she led the way back to camp with two of them carrying Jaune's corpse on their shoulders. " Jaune said as he sheepishly scratched the back of Nov 5, 2023 · 2. The soldier shot another burst of flames inside and moved out of the way as a woman ran out while covered in fire. After a few minutes she noticed her kids and blushed a bit embarrassed. Jaune walked out into the forest around his house in wonder. " He snorted as he got up. "Willow, how do I stop?" Jaune shouted before he skated into the wall or he would've if not for the glyph that appeared. So the idea for this came while I was painting and kinda bored. It would be like their Beacon days, only better. Do the Grimm represent the greatest threat in this world? Uncovering the secrets of their friend could lead them to question everything they thought they knew about him; Jaune might not be the aspiring hero Mar 1, 2024 · "Surprise!" Jaune exclaimed. She knew what to do in these times. " Jaune brings his arms up placatingly, willing his friends to calm down. They laughed and they groaned but they obliged, leaving Pyrrha to enjoy another moment of the most glorious Creation. He then proceeded to lean back in his chair to look up at the ceiling. Summer smiled as she stepped into the house, an eager Tai stepped towards them in his arm was a little ball of Sunshine with bright red eyes. " May 4, 2017 · Little Jaune (a name SHE chose because it was totally better than Uther or some other such drivel her husband kept trying to call him) was an absolute angel. Doing MHA, MHA x RWBY crossovers, and the ill attempts of making the Greenshade (Izuku x Blake) wave can cause distractions. He turned the corner to see Jaune jump off a table and pile drive a fat guy with beer drenched over his shirt. Locating the mayor's house, he decided to trade some of the gold for Lien there, or at least find directions to an exchange. Bleached Jaune, Jaune vs Morrigan which is akin to Ichigo vs Ulquiorra. Then he was seen storming out of the main office of Beacon High. After careful navigation, he finally made his way to a large rectangular red box, a sticker with the word "School" stuck on it. Jaune survives a childhood tragedy and life in the wilderness with the most unlikely allies. It was too early even for his girlfriend slash lover slash soon-to-be-wife to be up, but Velvet and Russel would be at the cafe soon with the cakes and the results of other errands that needed to be run. " He wandered downstairs, listened outside the kitchen door, and then put on his game face. "Because it was my fault?" Jaune said in a matter of fact tone. Maybe I'll ask them about it the next time I call Ruby, Jaune mused as his fingers moved deftly over the strings. Feb 13, 2023 · Having Jaune join in missions around the Faunus areas was an effective way of showing that she meant this without overly upsetting the human population that she was too much of an "animal lover. He turned towards his handiwork, the Grimm he'd slayed already having dissolved. I STABBED YOU WITH MY SPEAR! WHY WON'T YOU LET ME APOLOGIZE?!" Pyrrha screamed, pointing pointedly at her spear, Milo, which was currently lodged in Jaune's leg. The Summer Maiden is still missing, and two relics are still sealed or lost. You are not my father!" Jaune shouted at the top of his lungs. " Weiss advised. Jaune was expecting a comeback from her but her silence was all that he needed to know his joke was right. Now then, on to the reviews! thegermankaiserreich: Sure. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Too bad behind him was a group of angry chickens wanting to poke him to death with their beaks. "Team RWBY have come a long way, and they will be great. GHAAAhhh. And that said ball was currently in the hands of a much younger version of himself. I'll talk to you later kiddo. She felt his arms wrap around her, "You're beautiful just like mom. She just prayed that her and her husband were enough. "Move your doll towards me. So it must have been cosmic deities messing with him and his fellow huntsmen. Living in a house full of family member's with blonde hair, he's the only one with black hair. Whatever the letter was about, Jaune was panicking over it, which upset Pyrrha and made his team in general increasingly nervous. The update schedule for my fics should already be up on my profile. " Glynda continued. 3. But damn can she be scary sometimes. "…lived" Jaune stood there, staring at the section of wall Summer had flown through, for a long second before realizing something. When, though, you have killed the Suitors in your palace, by cunning or openly, with your sharp sword, then pick up a shapely oar and travel on till you come to a race that knows nothing of the sea, that eat no salt with their food, and have never heard of crimson-painted ships, or the well-shaped oars This is pretty fun. Dad's angry voice bellowed, easily resonating throughout the house. "That's surprisingly tame for those two. "Thank you for stopping me, Winter. "I jumped in front of you while you were Fmourajr: Already have a cast set for GotG: Jaune is Star Lord (obviously), Winter as Gamora (being the more successful sister), Weiss as Nebula (she always compared each other a lot early on in RWBY), Hazel as Drax (revenge clouding judgement shtick), Rocket is Rocket (would mess up my pick for when I do Avengers later on if I change anything Feb 10, 2023 · He has been stuck there for quite a while now and the chapter will start after a year in RWBY after Jaune's accident. Jaune Arc was hard, but not stiff enough to resist her filthy girl charm. NeitherNeo nor Jaune could help but admire it. " I Mean, I can always be a Farmer. Jaune wheels the Harley around, cutting onto a street which runs parallel to the canal. Jaune followed that sway all the way until she was in the house. "By the way, Jaune, your mother sent you a message. Sigh. Mar 19, 2024 · "Already working on it. "Woohoo!" Nora cheered, "Jaune to the rescue!" Jaune thought about the times he hung out with Pyrrha when they were kids. " She said huskily in his ear causing Jaune to shiver as she sashayed away with an extra sway of the hips. "My family's visiting. Jaune might have been a mediocre Huntsman-in-training, but he made the perfect house husband. Didn't get a whole lot of response on my Peter Port fic and I think that's because of the weird character list that no one is interested in seeing—although I think if people read the fic they might enjoy it. "Good to see that at least one of them is going to have a bit of emotional intelligence. Jun 20, 2022 · Jaune slowly walks over to a skeleton with red dress, he saw a book written in few letters, 'Sorry Dave, Goodbye' "It's heartbreaking. There was only one possible exit, and he was going to get them out. He glanced at his dad who was positively bursting with glee " Jaune! Mar 18, 2016 · After all their battles were over, Jaune and Ruby had a good life. It's not nearly as tasteful as I pictured it in my head. "And that's how he became my knight. I'm a huge RWBY fan so I settled onto that topic. Blake's eyes widened as he realized Jaune is going to meet her parents. A wife he could trust and he knew cared about him. Jan 24, 2023 · Jaune's eyes grew wide as he realized as his legs formed from a trail of gaseous mist that his body was formerly in a small plastic ball the size of a child's fist. " Glynda sighed. " Qrow said. Let me guess the love of his life ran away and now he compliments it by looking like an edgelord. A pair of Amazons handed the two of them wet towels, which they immediately used to cool themselves off in the hot Themysciran sun. "They are training me in order to become a house husband weren't they?" Aqua patted his arm with a pitying look while Ruby threw more food to his face. May 1, 2024 · They rejoined Jaune and Nora who were admiring the result of their new experiment. Roman. Jun 8, 2021 · "no you are not Jaune" a familiar voice said from closer to the house both men looked towards the voice seeing 2 women walking up to them the redhead on the right dressed in a tank top and denim overalls emerald green eyes filled with mirth as her husband flinched at her friends comment. Jun 27, 2020 · It filled her with a giddy joy to call Jaune her husband now, but the fact that she had been alone at the house for the last month put a bit of a damper of her new wife feeling. "Jaune, he even mutters her name every time in a sentence. Ren looked at the devastation and sighed with relief. Poor Jaune, and poor Pyrrha too. "I love that woman with all my heart. Jaune asked, already knowing the answer as he sighed heavily. " "Alright Jaune let's head inside, for now, I am sure your mothers have made us a tasty lunch, and then you can take a break before we continue this afternoon with Albedo," Bayard stated as he led his son back towards the house. He could honestly say he didn't. Weiss is loving and supportive but, not always clean. Ladies love it. It was a small shack, probably fit enough for 2 or 3 people at most, but he was determined to have his friends be comfortable. " "Okay," Ember slowly started walking. "Wishing it was you wearing it?" "Baby! I was just-" "That couch WAS hideous by the way "Bullheads!" His dad huffed before he then smirked and gave Jaune a thumbs up. "I'm sorry. Locating the mayor's house, he decides to trade some of the gold for Lien there or at least get directions to a bank. " Cinder nodded. The front door of the house was erupting with flames and he assumed the bottom floor was the same. " Jaune rolled his eyes but smiled while doing so, getting a 'thank you' from Weiss, Blake, and Yang. "Good night, Jaune. Welcome to my second RWBY fic, Old Man Jaune! First of all, I have to say that the idea of this fic isn't originally mine. And sometimes they would have Pyrrha be in Ruby's harem. “Sorry about dealing with your teammate here, Cinder. The commissioner wanted something sweeter segment so we have the talk instead. Jaune was left on his fathers door step, his older sister Joan found him, his father knew that the boy was his but it wasn't his wifes, Jonathan Arc was a noble knight and huntsmen, but he cheated on his wife a year ago, he didn't remember a damn thing about what the woman looked like, or even her name, but this was his bastard son. His thought process was disturbed when he felt the Bullhead shake, it was making it's decent back to the ground. , Team She ran a hand along his cheek. Jaune and Ember stepped out of the barn where Mercury handed him a telescope. "Now back to you," Jaune said as his daughter moved the doll back to her with the deer following its every Team JNPR and RWBY agree to go out to a club to celebrate but why does Jaune then wake up surrounded by the sleeping forms of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Pyrrha? A headache, strapped to the bed and six rings to boot this is quite the drunken marriage bargain if he can survive it that is. ” Jaune said as Cinder waved her hands and giggled at his apology. I cringed in pain though. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Parody - [Jaune A. The time when Pyrrha wet the bed when she stayed over Jaune's house saying she was scared. Hello, this is SimpleThief and this is my first Fanfiction. Apr 4, 2017 · From his hiding spot, Jaune gasped as he saw the man burn the house down. Aug 31, 2024 · The Twins Gods of Light and Darkness make Jaune travels the multiverse, meeting various version of himself. " Another swing, coming at an angle from above this time. He hated having to leave and go to one of the known universes out there in the cosmos, but that seemed to be his job. Just wanted to meet you and all…" Smiling unapologetically as her sister glared at her comically, Yang stood up and sized up Jaune as she did so. Jaune has an intense stare on him as he wipes the sweat off his forehead. And leave Jaune alone in obscurity. Jaune Arc said, crossing his eyes at her. Mom and Saphron made sure that he'd be the best house husband he could be, after all. But as Jaune strikes out to Beacon, he learns something: destiny is a capricious thing. " Also, I think a lot of you were a bit confused by the title of the next arc, so here's a couple hints: many characters in RWBY are based off of fairytales, and Jaune is going to unexpectedly become a father. Jaune slowly pushed the door to the stall open and peered inside as the sound of moaning got louder. Hearing screams of agony, it was clear someone was hiding inside the house. " Jaune waved a hand casually. "Whatever Ruby thought Jaune Arc was the descendant of heroes who never had an honest chance to be a Hunter. Qrow watched the spectacle with interest as Jaune fended off three other barflies bare-handed and knocked them out. " Jaune answered, stepping forward and speaking for his team. Disappearing through a wall. Jaune looked at Ren again and saw that he was pouring some wine into Weiss's mother's goblet. However, one day, she wakes up with mysterious powers, beyond anything she ever dared imagine possible. Sure, it wasn't perfect but they were happily married, most of their friends were still alive and the house's mortgage was finally fully paid for. Besides, it wasn't as if there would be any more competition. Note: This fic is 99% AI Generated, you guys gonna find lots of flaws. I never really liked the boat ride from the new version anyway. Amongst noble circles, it was seen as a slight upon the name, but no one would ever dare say such a thing to the fire-haired Lord of the Arc house. rwbyfanfic, whiteknight, silentknight. ~ "Alright Jaune, I know you're not feeling 100% right now but I've taken a closer look at the marriage certificate and well it's an official document. Yang was currently using all her energy blowing her top as she cried loud enough to hurt the threes ears and wake up Jaune. There is just a naivete, an idealism, to team RWBY that is dangerous to them. "But why not tell us?" Jaune hated it, he wanted him to either have a desk job, or just be a stay at home dad/ husband, it infuriated Jaune at a deep level. He rode pegasus through the clouds, a smile on his face as he sang, the two excited to achieve their goal as they flew into the sunset. "IDENT POSSITIVE" Flashes next to the blurry image of Finch. She shook her head as she continued to bob her head. 5 years Jaune and Weiss have been together and they live happily. Jaune was seen dragging himself up with a bloody cut on his forehead. Jaune decides that he is had enough and Weiss tries to stop what is already in motion. Lancaster. Or as they thought. "I told you!" she exclaimed, and Yang's expression became exasperated. " Jaune nodded just a bit too quickly. Freezes on the driver's face. A cabinet full of alcohol to be exact. After all, he was a man who wanted more than being a house husband even though he was practically given a silver platter in life. 29, and we’ve reached 2,661 new members out of our goal of 4,500 First was a small ring, then it grew louder until it was bell tolling. Mar 3, 2023 · The Jaune Archive contains the personal accounts of Jaune Arc, the Hero of Remnant, one of the most feared and respected Huntsmen in modern history. Aug 15, 2022 · Read White Knight from the story House Husband Jaune by captdynamite with 2,394 reads. Jun 8, 2021 · Well he was in for a big, big shock when he met his first tenant. You can also, use the equipment to enhance your gear in any way you'd like. What would you guys think of a film noir Jaune story with a Dragonslayer or Silent Knight Oct 1, 2023 · I helped her with her hair and gave her massages as thanks for the training. First M rating based on possible versions in the future. Too bad he remained stubborn. He proceeds to stomp on Jaune's chest, knocking the breath out of Jaune's lungs and making him spit out blood despite his flickering Aura. Jaune started to smile as he felt himself being pumped up. With his piece said, Jaune turned away and stormed out of the house. Jaune took it with his good hand and nodded, "Thanks," he Jun 13, 2024 · Next commission. Tired of this farce, LT stands up quickly to crush any remaining resistance. Kali Belladonna, a cat faunus, sighed as she drank her tea. Jul 11, 2023 · Jaune might have been a mediocre Huntsman-in-training, but he made the perfect house husband. Jaune paled at the implication of his sister's words. Kali Belladonna, a cat Faunus, sighed as she drank her tea. " Jaune said, disappointed. This is number 3. "You're right. It takes place in the fourth year at Beacon, Ren and Nora are in volume 7-8 outfits as are RWB, Jaune and Yang stay with volume 4-6 with his shield having the volume 8 upgrades Yang does have a robot arm, but she lost it to a grim bite in the second year and that is when The house's front door banged open to reveal a young blond man glaring back over his shoulder at someone still inside the house as he pulled his black leather jacket on with harsh motions. chapter 1: the bastard named Jaune Black. So why not watch how the rest of the multiverse is with their own version of Jaune's. So of course Ozpin had to show up with a god damn time machine. It was a long week for both of them; Terra was completely exhausted and sore while Saphron had to spend the week in a motel room. The girls who liked Jaune meanwhile had big smiles on their faces as they saw Jaune sing with such enthusiasm, seeing him finally feel like he has a chance to feel like he belongs. Her husband Ghira Belladonna was busy as usual being the new mayor of Kuo Kuana. The summoned manifestations of slain Grimm defend him through his travels until he meets a band of refugees and a criminal willing to help smuggle them into the safety of Vale - and Jaune into Beacon Academy where he finally finds purpose for the sword at his hip. The shoddy spear was snapped when Jaune dodged a slash from the machete woman, who snarled viciously at him. You look just like mom, isn't that a good thing?" Jaune had always idolized his parents, and his Mom was a huge inspiration to him growing up, so of course he'd think that, it didn't really help Ruby though. Determined to make something of himself nonetheless, he strives to be a huntsman, and after some convincing, his father agrees. “No no. He was quiet, well-behaved, playful and most of all he seemed to really love her the most if the way he insisted on always being carried by her were any indication. Secrets in which, come to view as partly thanks to Ozpin and those closest to him, unknowingly awoke something beyond their power. Jaune argued that he was a guest too. Weiss Schnee was a lot of things Aug 18, 2024 · Jaune said as Nilla rolled her eyes before she typed something on her Scroll, and Jaune’s went off with a little chime. "I didn't– ""NO! You're right… You weren't thinking! Now you've got Jaune thinking that he's gonna grow up to be some hotshot huntsman. Centuries later, Jaune Arc Scion of House Arc is nearing adulthood on the cusp of creating his own pride of women. Also the whole Jaune only being competent by accident or by misunderstanding in Couer's fics is getting really old, it does feels like Couer takes Jaune's incompetents from the show and cranks it up to 100 depending on the fic, like in not this time fate, the excuse were given as to why Jaune can't beat Cinder is because two years is not enough Jaune poured glasses of water for everyone after Saphron told him to do so for their guests. ' Then boom! Oct 7, 2023 · Jaune nodded in satisfaction at the decorations, sipping the dark coffee as his reward for finally setting up the machines for the day. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 187 - Words: 766,399 - Reviews: 8,648 - Favs: 5,116 - Follows: 5,459 - Updated: 8/28 - Published: 6/22/2018 Jaune might have been a mediocre Huntsman-in-training, but he made the perfect house husband. The only thing that would make things better would be if, by some miracle, Team RWBY ended up as their neighbors. Disclaimers I don't own RWBY, please support any to all official releases. All he did was stare out the door where his nephew just stormed out off. Jaune couldn't help but chuckle at this, a rich girl being impressed by modesty, but decided to press forward as he waved his arms at the girls, motioning them to follow him to his own house. "Damn, that's intense. He wondered how to get Captain Crazy to come with him to Vale, when he heard some commotion from the bar. Jaune will be the same age as everyone with the exception of RWBY but due to the time difference he has more experience as a hunter in that world and with his Aura being completely bullshit, he is master rank at the tender age Sep 15, 2023 · If Jaune were to propose to her in marriage, it would be because he realized that they were meant to be, not because of some notion of responsibility. His house wasn't small, neither big. Donate at least US$10 and you'll become a member of the OTW! Learn about Fanlore, one of the projects your membership will support, and about our new thank-you gifts! So far we've raised US$99,204. He was given two weeks house arrest to spend with his family and prepare himself for two whole seasons of 'youth rehabilitation'. Jun 12, 2015 · Summary: Jaune left Beacon for a SAHD life. He knew all too well where this was going. During his travels, his dragons kept making him train. If she doesn’t share, feel free to let me know so I can make it up to you somehow. What tales ensue between the pair? Will Blake ever find out? Stay tuned in this new story. "Please tell us what's wrong. Ren had to hold back a gasp, it was like looking at a carbon copy of a young Jaune during the Academy. Jaune is a house husband. Rated: Fiction M - English - Jaune A. Tai just stared at him in shock but couldn't utter a word. This is an OOC Jaune x OOC Kali Finding themselves missing a blonde knight and stuck in another dimension, teams RWBY and the rest of JNPR find themselves stuck there until they can get home. Despite being seven months pregnant, Glynda was a Huntress. "Sorry about my sister here. Team RWBY and Jaune have returned from the Ever After. Jaune didn't answer her, which only made her angrier. Then, I'll go with you to the perimeter and-" Jaune's father walked up and rested a large hand on his shoulder. "Ah oh uh no ah uh!" Ren had nothing to say as he was disgusted by the floating faces. "I need to hide! I need to run!" "Jaune," Ren interrupted. It wasn't a realistic hope, as Team RWBY likely wouldn't be Ruby Rose knew the life of a Huntress spelled danger, and her desire to leave behind a legacy remained top priority. "Yes. Little did anyone know, he never asked for any of this. " Jaune's attempt at being charming earned a furious slam from the sledgehammer man, who Jaune dodged before disposing of the spear stump. Once Jaune swallowed the pill and caught his breath, he opened the book and started reading. Jaune lifted his shield and braced himself as he felt the vibrations of the strike and the clang of metal against metal. "Of course. Jaune walked into the house and was amazed at what he was seeing. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" "We are of legal drinking age. But Jaune did honestly feel he should go meet with Team CFVY after they got back, and Pyrrha did insist that she was okay. This one has an OP Jaune, but not in the usual way. Jaune closed it and looked at Ember. Salem and her followers are still at large, and Vacuo is dealing with a refugee crisis as tens of thousands of displaced Atlesians try to find a home in the city. So, the life of humans and faunas was hard into aura was discover. Getting a nod from the Vice-Headmistress. How to marry an Arc: by Guinevere Arc. Their loyal butler "Reginald" entered their backyard garden and whispered something to his father. " "Their rose-tinted glasses have yet to come off. " Jaune apologized to the illusion. " Emerald muttered. Jaune was left staring at the rising bullhead, ferrying some students back to their school. Jaune quickly gave her a hug, "Keep your mother in the house and stay inside. Jun 20, 2023 · Jaune might have been a mediocre Huntsman-in-training, but he made the perfect house husband. Apr 4, 2023 · Jaune Arc woke up one night to discover he had the memories of Jaune Arc. The RWBY team, along with team JNPR, embarks on a journey full of mysteries as they explore ancient documents found in Jaune Arc's chest. A family bounded in history of the Great-War. Hey, guys! [girlfriendoftheauthor] here with another story for Jaune's Mothers. Jaune left the small house running successfully he has gathered the right amount of eggs on a basket. " In a Remnant where Vale never abolished its monarchy, Jaune sits rather low on the line of succession to be king. "You better not disappoint me, Arc, or I will file a complaint," Weiss said. She loved her husband's smell and taste, no matter what. "I'll best be getting out of your hair now. The screen turns on and shows a view of a clear, cloudless sky before starting to descend the viewpoint to show a large expanse of green fields with a few trees scattered here and there along with a two-story house right next to the larger one. So, in this chapter, Kali prepares for Jaune's arrival to the household. "Don't believe everything you hear. . Pubic hair didn't matter to her as it tickled her nose. tree in the field, the field of vision gets closer and closer to the house until it enters through an open window on the second floor, where Jan 16, 2017 · his father exclaimed joyously. Nonetheless, as Jaune made his way to the team's dorm, trailed by Ilia and Emerald, he still regretted it slightly. "Throw her out the window! I'll catch her," Jaune promised, stepping as close as he could without endangering himself. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR] - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,320 - Reviews: 150 - Favs: 880 - Follows: 1,012 - Updated: 7/11/2023 Jul 11, 2023 · Lie Ren. Jul 14, 2024 · Jaune wasn't marched right to jail, like some character in a bad drama. "Block. " "You too," Jaune replied, stepping down out of the carriage after securing the reins. (Not harem) (Adopted by Serendipitous House Pet) Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Angst - Ozpin, Jaune A. "Still the truth, Rose," he huffed back. Obviously, there was a miscommunication. "Just be glad one of us can cook. Violet Merino had lived the idyllic life of a shut-in for years. " Jaune shrugged. " Jaune grinned. Now, at the age of fifteen, Jaune had been their final child. But damn if that doesn't turn "Son," Jaune's father returned with a tired but genuine smile, "Good to see you. The fact that he left on their wedding day had a large part to play in her mood. Which means we are officially a married couple now. Jaune Arc took a step down into his house's basement. "It's your only chance!" The room was basically spotless after Jaune spent the entire day working on it. However, when someone from his past starts catching up to him with a dangerous obsession to have him at all cost, Jaune may need all the strength he can gather to deal with this threat, even if it means resorting "I'm tired," Todd said "I'm going to bed, I'll tell your mother not to worry. N. Jaune was home. " Willow said after taking a sip of tea. Known for his exceptional strength and charisma, he saved the world by vanquishing great evils once and for all. She felt Ghira's hand on her head, and she looked up to see him with pleading eyes. " Jaune said to his daughter as she stuck out her arm towards him. Language: English. " He said walking away. " 'Goddamn it. The first thing that Jaune saw when he entered the stall was the luscious red hair that was slightly ruffled. Aug 28, 2024 · Ruby seemed to beam, grabbing Yang's arm. While Jaune wasn't her husband or even her actual boyfriend, the two shared a child together. Saphron huffed at his comment. I swear you could burn water. " Ozpin confirmed with a nod. Jaune wasn't sure whether or not he should feel bad for leaving Pyrrha with the still arguing Weiss and Blake. Devlin wrote a teaser chapter which I fell in When opening the door to their house the first thing to happen was Kali leaping into her husbands to grab the last kabob. All teenagers find a place to sit and see what these DVDs are really about. "GO TO BED, JAUNE!" I heard my sister Joan yell in the next room scaring me. A story told in shorts, with an emphasis on 'short. Jaune gave his father a questioning look as he spoke up with a question that had been on his mind, "Dad, I know you Before they hoisted Jaune's lifeless frame over their shoulders, the ginger Nora - her hair much longer than ever before - leaned over him and spat on the blonde lad's face. Emerald owed everything to the House of D'Arc, and anyone who wanted to hurt any of them, would have to kill her first. Jaune laughed, slowly crying too as he continued to reminence. Jaune made his way to the living room to study and was surprised when instead of books there was a cake decoration and a stack of Chicken nuggets as May 24, 2018 · Jaune shows a surprising lack of psychological loss, after a few medical tests it is discovered that this is due to his semblance: Sense of the Hunt, keeps him in control of his mind. Combining the two interests of mine together I thought, 'Jaune would make a great farmer. "There were some curiosities that showed up when we held room inspections. " Pyrrha says smugly, rubbing into Team RWBY's faces her advantage of being Jaune's partner. The remains disappeared completely, leaving nothing in its stead. "There's nothing like a party to celebrate the end of the world. If it is awkward, forgive me. Also, Blake needs a lot of help. That said, Jaune notes that it's interesting trivia, but not really relevant- his ancestors and their houses were stripped of all noble status after the war ended and they went into Finding themselves missing a blonde knight and stuck in another dimension, teams RWBY and the rest of JNPR find themselves stuck there until they can get home. Renment is a world full of monsters known as grimm. "Is Ruby telling the truth?" Jaune asked. He's heard the stories from other huntsmen in training that their only use was to be meat shields and house husbands. It didn't make any sense, but Jaune knew they were one and the same. "Now go fulfill your house husband duties and feed us. " Jaune spun around in the living room, facing a hoodie and sweatpants clad Cinder. "Good riddance. Jaune then reached behind to his lower back and pulled a magazine which seemed to hold 1. Nov 19, 2023 · Blonde shaggy hair, pure oceanic blue eyes, this baby face-boy is Jaune Arc. 5 years. "Knitting, cleaning, changing diapers, filling taxes…" Jaune stopped eating to look at Aqua. now all his friends want him. " Jaune said before he noticed the rapidly approaching wall. "Go inside and lock all the doors," Jaune ordered, "Whatever happens you stay inside you hear me? Whatever happens. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 16 - Words: 66,156 - Reviews: 245 - Favs: 526 - Follows: 630 - Updated: 4/5/2018 - Published: 6/11/2017 - Status: Complete - id Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc. Harems. "You ok?" Jaune asked from the kitchen. "Jaune, you don't want to go to Beacon a virgin, do you?" He didn't. Especially after this conversation about Beacon potentially being a smut den. And like all changes the butterfly merely has to flap it's wings. As they realize this, the members of RWBY, NPR, the staff and various others now find it odd as to what secrets he keeps that has him constantly going out. I've also recently played the game Stardew Valley that I'm sure most of you know about if a Youtuber you know played it. They are young. Jaune shifted awkwardly for a moment, his Six Eyes focusing on a figure in the background. Jaune let out a sigh of relief and pride at the hard work finished and started to collect his supplies to leave. Summer went over to her husband and gently held him, trying to make him feel better. It was time for Jaune to move on as well, he'd received a message from his team to meet up with them. A Faunus version of himself. Well it happened, the cat got out of the bag and Jaune had to pay the consequences of coming to Beacon Academy in false transcripts and for being severely unprepared. Jun 26, 2019 · They married couple was now driving to Jaune's house, He move out of his roommates Melanie and Miltiades because of his marriage and told them they can visit him anytime, The Twins was still worry about him and wants him to move back with them but Jaune just told them to don't worry about it and thank them for worrying for him Ruby Rose knew the life of a Huntress spelled danger, and her desire to leave behind a legacy remained top priority. This story is adopted from Devlin Dracul's work titled Old Man Jaune, which is ispired as well on a fanart with the same name (check it on google images, it's pretty cool). "I do. " Mercury cooed. Cover by MechaG11. Jaune, Whitley, Neptune, Cardin, Henry, Roy, Reese, Ren, and Oscar flashed across the screen. " So I've currently got three stories up. We're getting nervous just by watching you. "A-as your daughter's f-future husband," Jaune stuttered, and he felt his cheeks turn red, "I can assure you that I will risk my life to protect your daughter. "Renard," Rose tutted, trying to rein in her husband's ill temper. In regard to how Arc's live Jaune was probably the Black Sheep of the family. "Thought it'd be polite, name's Jaune. Something all his friends noticed and now they all want him for themselves. It would've been awkward for her if she stayed at the house when Jaune was "donating" his samples with Terra. "HOW… I. "Partly. " "H-Hey, Jaune," Ruby mumbled back, embarrassed. However, a stray soul now entwined with his own has altered fate forever. . And there is nothing wrong with that. I created this to have a story where I can see my various ideas of Jaune. Doing chores was practically second nature to him. Jan 10, 2022 · Panting Jaune jogged over to pick up his shield and dust it off, getting back into position quickly. I looked at my hands again and walked back to my room. RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,320 - Reviews: 150 - Favs: 879 - Follows: 1,011 - Updated: 7/11/2023 - Published: 6/20/2023 - [Jaune A. Behold the life of the even more impressive Papa Arc, who does what many a badass never dares do: manage a household. She looked up once more to see her husband almost begging now. The time he was picked on by the other kids for looking girly and Pyrrha jumping in saying she would be Jaune's husband. "Well, what do you want to do now Willow?" Jaune groaned, his head still firmly planted on the table. Rating is subject to change in the future. Or just, leave him single in the fic. His mind was overrun with information, a turmoil of color, feelings, faces and information. He's going to get himself killed. It seemed year after year, his parents’ love grew and grew, as did their family. Falls from grace are never elegant, and Jaune's is no different. Of the Arc family. " "It's a talent. "Um I'm dropping off my friends. "We meet again. "Still not use to that. " Her scroll rang, and she glanced at the called ID. " "Alright, see ya dad. but only women could use aura, and so because of that, women became protectors of the world, leading the fighting against the grimm and leading the four kingdoms, Vale,Vacuo,Atlas,Mistral. And one pure original where Jaune gains power from his nudity and he's a little more eccentric. Original RWBY Character(s) Jaune Arc; Team RWBY; Team JNPR; Action/Adventure; Romance; Eventual Romance; Hurt/Comfort; Fluff and Angst; Fluff and Humor; Summary. Jaune chuckled nervously, "C'mon Ruby, it's not that bad. He was given a text from Tony. "Oh, Ruby," the boy – Jaune – murmured in surprise, but not unpleasantly. Whether it was an insane cultist summoning him to gain power or knowledge to the occasional average Joe or Jane just trying some arcane spell out to see if it worked, he would then be forced from this realm and have to answer whatever stupid questions were asked Jaune said following the deer's gaze to the monkey. Jaune Arc was a weak man, but he didn't feel that way around her. "Yes, it was especially more enjoyable when Jaune used his semblance during the massages. It's not a step down by any means: Jaune Arc may have failed to graduate as a Hunter, but he totally passes as a Stay At Home Dad. In the lush Arc chateaux, Jaune struggled to excommunicate himself from apathy. "I want to hear that statement from the boy himself," King Schnee said. He looked around and saw everything, the house was very cool. Jaune is a 15 year old boy who is currently staring at himself in the mirror, his eyes zoned on the cut he had accidentally received while trying to train with a wooden-blade. Waking up Jaune had done all his early morning activities and was now sitting with his beautiful daughter, Crystal eating her favourite cereal, Pumpkin Pete's. Well known as the leader of Team JNPR, The main strategist of the Remnant army, and the Unmoving Guard of Remnant Cities during the siege of Salem. " The oven beeped from the other room. It had taken some getting used to, but she even got progressively closer with Jaune and Ilia, to the point she was among the first people Jaune chose to be his personal guard. Aug 7, 2024 · While Jaune did "donate" a sample, they didn't do it artificially. it's not all romantic. Nov 19, 2020 · Well if the latter was the case he wouldn't be trying to improve himself. I think some people are fixated in Pyrrha and Jaune getting together, which I get, they probably would have made a good couple, so who knows. He'd never heard of or seen someone who wanted a man on top, but he supposed that it made sense that they existed. All Jaune Arc wanted is to live a normal life within Beacon Academy as he aspires to become an actual Hunter while leading Team JNPR. The sole born male heir to the Arc name, and thus the Jun 29, 2024 · But, they always either have Pryyha and Jaune together. It Sep 20, 2016 · With no great enemy to fight the Greatest huntsmen turned their sights on the female population of Remnant. "But regardless, we're going to get out and enjoy ourselves, after we get checked in," he reminded everyone, lifting the arms of a not-insubstantial trolley borrowed from the airship station, weighed down with luggage and camping gear Don't worry though, during the time you are entertaining me your home universe has its time stopped magic tree house style. Jaune's POV – of two kids on a bike down in the canal. Hardcore Penny, based off hardcore henry. When Reginald was done passing his message he regarded Jaune and his mother with a respectful bow and returned inside the house. He entered the kitchen/dining room area of the Arc house. " She swore to him, and let the others carry him. However, this RWBY. " Jaune eyes on the skeleton, giving small pities and sorrow around the room. "They died on their own terms. Glory found not in the battlefield or in legends or heroism, but in simply living a good life under the shattered moon in the farmhouse with the family built by Oct 31, 2022 · Jaune didn't have time to complete his thought before Summer rushed off toward the house. Was Weiss wrong to feel the way she did? It seems selfish, but redeeming the SDC is her goal in life and Jaune did kinda take ir away from her. Now the world of Remnant is dangerous and high tech so no dropping you without identity or powers. Grimm are beasts that hunt and kill humans and Faunus. " Jaune has always been the black sheep of his family. Jaune Arc, The Wall of Remnant, The Golden Lion, The Saint of Vale. Now anyone else would think okay that is not a big deal, but in the Arc family, being born with black hair is seen as bad luck and the Arc's were very superstitious when it came to that. "This is awful Jaune. "Oh, don't Jaune turned on the TV, but just as he did, there was another knock at the door and he groaned in annoyance as he had to get up, walk back to the door, and open it, where he saw Ilia standing there, holding a large package for him. Hm. Farmer Jaune teased his children, shepherding them back inside. The psychological damage is there, Jaune is just better able to process it then hardened veterans of the Color Wars. Trevor gave Jaune some pain medication and water. The stairs were creaky but he was wearing his comfy bunny slipons so he didn't mind. Lucky for her, she already had the perfect future-husband in mind. "Sorry this took so long. Jaune nodded in agreement, and together the two walked to a nearby stone bench. That and it's kinda insulting for your drunk mom to make the effort of sobriety for Jaune but not Weiss. pyxfdm tgjs rixofid sqzvnidi tefq yihkvafr olhrn nafdl bij zkzverd
